Planning Operations

Quickly create organisation charts to support a wide range of scenarios.

The planning feature within TeamOrgChart lets users quickly create organisation charts to support a wide range of scenarios such as:

  • What-If Scenarios

  • Reorganisations

  • Headcount Planning

  • Temporary Org Charts (e.g. Multi-disciplinary Project Teams or Bid Teams)

Plans are created from an existing organization chart and can be shared with specific people or groups within your organization.

'History Control' lets you walk through the proposed changes, step-by-step, making it simple to review the changes and to explain them to others.

Assigning the Planning Role

Planning is available to non-administrative staff, to enable this feature the Planning Permission must be assigned to the staff member.

Users with the Planning Permission can create and edit plans, however they do not have adminstrative rights to allow them to create or alter other organization charts.

Access the Security Page within the settings menu located at the top-right of TeamOrgChart, next to your profile picture.

Search for and select the user and assign the permission within the Assign Planning Permissions section.

Plans that you have either created or have been given access to are listed on the TeamOrgChart home page.

Creating a Plan

Navigate to the position within the organization chart that you wish to start the plan. You can do this by using the navigation arrows, bookmarks or by using the search facility.

Use the 'Create Plan' button to create a plan.

The Planning Page

After clicking 'Create Plan' you will be taken to the planning page. and from here you can use the 'Edit' button to start ammending the plan.

Adding, Moving and Removing Positions

Editing a plan is similar to the standard editing functionality.

To change the organization structure the plan should be put into Edit mode.

Boxes can then be moved, added, or removed from the chart by either dragging and dropping them or using the context menu.

Viewing the Plan Changes

As you make changes, these will be listed in the left-hand side under Plan Changes and categorised into Joiners, Movers, Leavers and Vacant positions.

The summary table above the chart shows the total number of changes of each type.

Planning Operations

Use the context menu on each box to make changes to the plan.

Remove From Plan

Removes the position, any direct reports are re-assigned to the manager of the position.

Once a position has been removed, it will appear on the sidebar on the left, where you can drag it back in if you require.

Make Vacant

Removes the individual from the box, leaves the reporting structure in place.

This is useful for if an employee is leaving, but you want to keep their position and those who report to it intact. Making a position vacant will remove the current holder, and replace them with a new vacant position, complete with those who reported to the original position.

If you drag a position on to a vacant position, you will be given the option to either make it directly report to the vacant position, or fill the vacant position.

Split Position

Splits an existing position into two positions. These can either be one new and one existing, or both new.

Splitting a position is useful for if you plan on delegating the responsibilities of a role to two different positions. To view the split dialog, click on 'Split Position' in the context menu.

Once the dialog is open, you can select if you would like to split the position into a vacant position, or a new position. Pick the former if the role is not currently filled, and the latter if you already know who will be taking the role. The name box under the dropdown menu allows you to enter a name and job title for the new position.

When you are happy with the split, you can click 'Save Changes' to confirm the operation.

Consolidate Position

Merging two existing positions into one position. This can either be one of the two original positions, or an entirely new position.

Consolidations are useful for merging two positions into one without needing to delete one and moving all their direct reports to the other. To view the consolidate dialog, click on 'Consolidate Position' in the context menu.

You will see this dialog is slightly different to the split dialog. In order to pick the second position to consolidate, you should use the search bar under the right-hand position to find it.

Once you have picked the second position, you can then choose what position you would like to be left with. You can pick either of the two positions, or create a new or vacant position altogether.

You can then click 'Save Changes' to save the consolidation to the plan.

Sharing a Plan

1. Access the Sharing Window

To begin click the 'Private' button which is located on the right-hand side of the chart menu bar.

A plan can be shared with one or more people. Everyone with access to the plan can make changes, there is no "read-only" mode for the plan.

2. Grant Additional Access

Search for the additional people or security groups that you wish to have access to the plan.

Once you have added the appropriate people select the plan to Published and finally use the 'Save Changes' button to apply the changes.

Next Steps