Checking Data Integrity
Identify common data issues such as missing or invalid fields, duplicate entries, and circular references.
Running Checks
Integrity checks will run automatically on opening the Data Integrity Check Page and will re-run if you make any modifications to the checks. The system will scan the directory data and generate a report highlighting any issues.
The Data Integrity Graph
The Data Integrity graph provides a visual summary of the integrity status of key fields such as Country, Display Name, and Job Title. Each check is listed below the graph, displaying a summary of the issues found.
Users can review and fix these issues by going through the other steps of the integrity process: Fix, Review, and Apply.
Viewing Results
A summary results of each check are displayed. For each check, a list of users who fail the check is provided. This allows administrators to easily see which entries in the directory are missing data or contain invalid information.
The full results of the test can be viewed in the Fix Page.
Configuring Checks
Administrators can add, amend, or delete checks based on the fields they wish to validate. Common checks include verifying fields such as Country, Job Title, Manager ID, and City. Each check can be customized to suit the organization's needs, ensuring that all required data is properly validated.
Use the 'Edit' button to enable editing or creation of a check.